Discover Watersheds

Want to explore water & watersheds with students or your family? Use these resources to enjoy science at home, before a field trip, or other learning settings.


Watershed Moments - Full animated video series.

Welcome to a captivating 4-part animated educational video series that unveils the wonders of Alberta's watersheds! Join the dynamic water droplet duo, H2 and O, in an engaging adventure at Alberta Watersheds Inc.

  • Part 1: "Setting the Stage:" Learn what a watershed is an discover why it's crucial to maintain the health of these vital river systems.
  • Part 2: "Connecting the Drops:" Uncover the secrets of a healthy watershed, exploring headwaters, riparian areas, wetlands, biodiversity, groundwater, and the impacts of human activities. 
  • Part 3: "Becoming Resilient": Discover the power of teamwork and sustainable practices, and learn about the crucial role of collaboration in addressing significant watershed challenges. Meet key groups in Alberta actively working for positive impacts.
  • Part 4: "The Legacy:" Explore the significance of environmental stewardship and the valuable legacy we leave for future generations.


Image displaying how water moves within a watershed or drainage basin Expand Image

What is a Watershed?

A watershed is the land area that channels rainfall and snowmelt to creeks, streams, wetlands, and rivers, and eventually the ocean. All the water in a watershed eventually drains to the same waterbody.

An educational comic book about the North Saskatchewan River watershed. Go To Image Link

An Educational Comic Book: River Time Vortex Extravaganza

Written by: The 2024 Youth Water Council

Illustrated by: Amanda Schulz

Two siblings camping near the North Saskatchewan River are taken on a journey back in time to discover the importance of watershed health and respecting our rivers. Join them as they make new friends and gain a new perspective on the waters that give them life in this River Time Vortex Extravaganza!

Stewardship & Conservation

Learn about conservation initiatives in our watershed through a series of short and educational videos.

Stories of Stewardship

  • What is stewardship? Hear what local landowners in the Vermilion River region have to say about it. A video produced in partnership with the Vermilion River Watershed Alliance!
  • Learn more about stewardship through this   Story Map

Discover Riparian Health

  • Check out NSWA's Riparian Health series! What are riparian areas? How can we measure their health? What stewardship initiatives exist to protect these vital ecosystems?

All About the Riparian Web Portal

  • How healthy are the green zones around our rivers, lakes and wetlands? Discover how the Riparian Web Portal displays riparian health information throughout Alberta. 

The Vermilion River Watershed Alliance

  • Learn how local stewards are working to protect the Vermilion River watershed. The Vermilion River is a tributary of the North Saskatchewan River and NSWA partners with this group on local watershed issues.

Some exciting and educational videos about watershed health:

What is a Watershed?   (Animated Video)

What is a Watershed?   (EPCOR Video)

Water Literacy   (Alberta Water Portal Video)

Water-related Videos   (Alberta Water Council)

Caring for Our Watersheds   

Caring for Our Watersheds 4-H Alberta Leader’s Guide   

Follow the Flow (Introduction to Alberta Water Resources)