Headwaters Alliance

The Headwaters Alliance

  • is a municipally-supported watershed stewardship group
  • is supported by NSWA with extra tech and organizational help
  • began in 2014 as a committee that brought together local governments in the western portion of the North Saskatchewan River watershed
  • works through a Steering Committee of elected officials and a Technical Committee of municipal staff, experts, and local NGO reps 
  • includes representatives from nine municipalities
    • Brazeau County 
    • Clearwater County 
    • Leduc County 
    • Parkland County 
    • Wetaskiwin County 
    • Town of Devon 
    • Town of Drayton Valley 
    • Town of Rocky Mountain House 
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For more information on the Headwaters Alliance check out the Headwaters Alliance Brochure or the Headwaters Alliance Strategic Plan (2021)


Near the ground shot of riparian area and water at Strawberry Creek with forest in the background.
Riparian areas at Strawberry Creek.

The Riparian Health Action Plan began with the Headwaters Alliance

This Alliance

  • wanted to boost knowledge about watershed health with noticeable community benefits
  • began by tackling the data gap in riparian health by supporting local stewardship programs
  • looked at riparian conditions on creeks and lakes in the Modeste and Strawberry subwatersheds
  • pinpointed key areas for restoration and conservation
  • the project grew into a basin-wide program

View the reports from this project:

Modeste Riparian Assessment 2018

Strawberry Riparian Assessment 2018

Sturgeon Riparian Assessment 2018

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What is Natural Infrastructure and Why does it matter?

  • Natural or green infrastructure ("natural assets") includes features like wetlands, riparian buffers, and forests
  • Natural features boost watershed services essential for human communities
  • Services include carbon storage, water filtration, wildlife habitat, recreation, and protection from severe weather
  • Researchers are now putting a dollar value on these benefits and studying the costs of losing natural infrastructure

The Modeste Natural Infrastructure Project is a team effort by ALUS Canada, the University of Guelph, and NSWA. The project:

  • evaluated natural assets in the Modeste subwatershed.
  • provides a framework for municipalities to create a natural asset management plan
  • shows the value of investing in natural infrastructure to both public and private sectors
  • resulted in a published with a framework for cost-benefit analysis and lessons for municipalities, farms, and recreation areas

Read the report or presentation here:

Project Report Lessons Learned (May 2021)

Project Presentation (May 2021)