Become a Member


  • Make an impact
  • Share your thoughts on important watershed topics
  • Learn about smart water practices as a resident or landowner
  • Help spread the word about watersheds in your community
  • Play a part in looking after and enhancing the North Saskatchewan River watershed for the next generation


  • Is free
  • Is open to either an individual and/or organizations
  • Lasts a full year
  • Has to be renewed by the end of March every year
  • Allows you to run for the board of directors
  • Keeps you up to date on watershed events and info

Click here to renew your Membership

NSWA Membership Sign Up

Name or Designated Member Name


Organizational Members

Additional information to be filled out if signing up for an Organizational Membership

Alternate Member


Thank you for becoming a member of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA). By filling out this membership form you agree to the values and mission of the NSWA, and consent to receiving our newsletters and other emails about the work of our organization. You will have the option to opt out of electronic newsletters. Your membership is valid from one year (April 1 to March 31) and must be renewed before April 1st of each year.