Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils
Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs) are independent, non-profit organizations, designated by Alberta Environment and Parks to report on watershed health, lead collaborative planning, and facilitate education and stewardship activities. Within Alberta there are currently eleven WPACs representing the major river basins.
WPACs engage representatives of key stakeholders in the river basin area, including municipal, provincial and federal governments; industrial sectors; conservation groups; aboriginal communities; academia; and the public. In their work, they seek consensus on land and water resource management strategies that support the achievement of shared environmental, social, and economic outcomes for the watershed.
There are eleven Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs) in Alberta that oversee integrated watershed management planning at a regional level.
North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance
Athabasca Watershed Council
Battle River Watershed Alliance
LICA Environmental Stewards – Beaver River Watershed Alliance
Bow River Basin Council
Lesser Slave Watershed Council
Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance
Milk River Watershed Council Canada
Oldman Watershed Council
Red Deer River Watershed Alliance
South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
For more information on the work of WPACs take a look at our 2021-2022 WPAC Report or our WPAC brochure.