Water Quality Framework for the Industrial Heartland/Capital Region

Water Quality Framework for the Industrial Heartland/Capital Region

The NSWA is a member of the Water Quality Framework for the Industrial Heartland / Capital Region. This committee considers multiple impacts of urban and industrial effluents and works to manage and protect the reach of the NSR which runs from Devon to Pakan and includes representatives from: 

  • Alberta Environment and Parks 
  • Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission 
  • Chemical Industry Association of Canada 
  • Northeast Capital Industrial Association 
  • Strathcona Industrial Association 
  • North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance 

VISION: A world class integrated water management system within the North Saskatchewan River system to sustainably support the environment and social and economic development.

Water Management Framework for the Industrial Heartland & Capital Region

Water Quality Framework for the Industrial Heartland & Capital Region: 8 Years of Implementation (2015)

The 2015 update report describes the progress made on the goals, priorities and next steps of the Framework after 8 years of implementation.

Key Points: 

  1. Incorporate this framework into the North Saskatchewan Regional Plan.
  2. Continue to maintain or improve water quality from Devon to Pakan through good water management
  3. Minimize footprint on the NSR by improving the use of existing and new withdrawal infrastructure and increased use of reclaimed water
  4. Support cumulative effects management through modelling and tools thatto maximize water quality knowledge and improve decision-making processes in support of Framework goals. 

Water Quality Framework for the Industrial Heartland & Capital Region:  8 Years of Implementation (2015) report

Download Report